
সর্ব-শেষ হাল-নাগাদ: ২৬ ফেব্রুয়ারী ২০২৫
ক্রমিক শিরোনাম প্রকাশের তারিখ ডাউনলোড
১১৩ Relocation of DC PDU from SMW#4 to SMW#6 Building... ২০২৫-২-১৯ download file
১১২ Amendment of some Clauses of the Specification of the bidding document for the work "Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 500KVA Diesel Generator for SMW6 Equipment Room at Cox's Bazar Submarine Cable Landing Station on Turnkey Basis". ২০২৫-১-৬ download file
১১১ Supply of Goods of "Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 500 kVA Diesel Generator for SMW6 Equipment room at Cox's Bazar Submarine Cable Landing Station on Turnkey Basis." ২০২৪-১২-২৩ download file
১১০ To Appoint of Audit firm for the Audit of Accounts, preparation and submission of income tax return for the three funds of BSCPLC for the FY 2023-2024. ২০২৪-১২-২ download file
১০৯ Supply of New Year-2025 Gift Box for stakeholders to the Head office of BSCPLC, Dhaka. ২০২৪-১১-১৭ download file
১০৮ Supply & Fitting of necessary materials for rewinding Leroy-Somer alternator coils and other related works for Engine-Generator (E/G) #1 & repositioning of existing 04 (Four) sets of battery including all necessary accessories at Battery room ২০২৪-১০-৩০ download file
১০৭ Supply and Installation of 100G, 40G and 10G SFP, Patch cord, L2-Router and Accessories for IIG Data Center at Head Office of Bangladesh Submarine Cables PLC (BSCPLC) ২০২৪-১০-১৫ download file
১০৬ Supply of Support Software for 16th AGM 2024 of BSCPLC (Including Digital Platform for Virtual AGM, Dividend Calculation, Compliance Reports, Dividend Warrant and Notice Design, Printing and Tax Certificate Services). ২০২৪-৯-৩০ download file
১০৫ Printing of Annual Report-2024 {Cover- Four color (4 Page) 300gsm art card, limitation mat and spot, Inner-120 gsm art paper (172 pages four color), Paper size-11.20×8.25 and Auto glow binding)}. ২০২৪-৯-২৯ download file
১০৪ Appointment of Statutory Auditor for Bangladesh Submarine Cables PLC (BSCPLC) for the FY 2024-2025. ২০২৪-৯-২৬ download file
১০৩ “Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of 4-way PVC duct system including HDPE sub-duct, Hand-hole and other accessories from the Man-hole (MH) inside the landing station ২০২৪-৯-১৯ download file
১০২ Supply and replacement of necessary accessories along with related servicing for periodic Maintenance of 2 (Two) nos. of 500KVA Diesel Generator at the Submarine Cable Landing Station, Amkholapara, Kuakata, Patuakhali. ২০২৪-৯-১০ download file
১০১ Repair of Leakage with necessary material and related servicing work for Precision Air Conditioner (PAC), necessary material & related servicing work for Floor standing AC & split AC at Kuakata, LS. ২০২৪-৯-২ download file
১০০ Addendum of the Tender document for the work "Tender Notice: Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 500 kVA Diesel Generator for SMW6 Equipment Room at Cox's Bazar Submarine Cable Landing Station on Turnkey Basis" ২০২৪-৮-২৯ download file
৯৯ “বাংলাদেশ সাবমেরিন ক্যাবলস পিএলসি (বিএসসিপিএলসি) এর গাড়ির (নম্বর- ঢাকা মেট্রো: ঘ-১৩-৯২১৪, মডেল নং- Hard Jeep Mitsubishi 2014) প্রয়োজনীয় যন্ত্রাংশ সরবরাহ, সংযোজন ও মেরামত”শীর্ষক সরবরাহ কাজ। ২০২৪-৮-২৫ download file
৯৮ Tender Notice: Supply, Installation & Testing of New DCDB with necessary Components and related works for DCDB connection from the Rectifier to the New DCDB at the Co-Location room, Submarine Cable Landing Station, Amkholapara, Kuakata, Patuakhali. ২০২৪-৮-১৯ download file
৯৭ Tender Notice: Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 500 kVA Diesel Generator for SMW6 Equipment Room at Cox's Bazar Submarine Cable Landing Station on Turnkey Basis. ২০২৪-৮-১৮ download file
৯৬ Renewal of BSCPLC’s existing Email services (for 26 Email ID) at Microsoft Office 365 platform ২০২৪-৮-৬ download file
৯৫ “Supply & Installation of Archway Gate (Walk through Metal Detector), Projector & DSLR Camera at Submarine Cable Landing Station, Cox’s Bazar.” ২০২৪-৬-১২ download file
৯৪ বাংলাদেশ সাবমেরিন ক্যাবলস পিএলসি (বিএসসিপিএলসি) এর গাড়ি নং- ঢাকা মেট্রো-গ-৩৯-০৯৭৬ এবং ঢাকা মেট্রো-ঘ-১৫-৫১৭৪ এর সংশ্লিষ্ট আনুষঙ্গিক মালামাল সরবরাহপূর্বক মেরামত” শীর্ষক কাজ। ২০২৪-৬-২ download file
৯৩ Tender Notice: Supply, testing and Commissioning of 01 (One) number of Laptop along with related services at Head Office, BSCPLC. ২০২৪-৫-২৬ download file
৯২ Amendments to the tender document for the work titled, “Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Central Water Treatment Plant for Submarine Cable Landing Station, Kuakata, Patuakhali”. ২০২৪-৫-৯ download file
৯১ Tender Notice: Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Central Water Treatment Plant for Submarine Cable Landing Station, Kuakata, Patuakhali. ২০২৪-৪-২১ download file
৯০ Event Management for organizing SMW6 PG#13, CCM#12, I&ASC#8 and MC#20 Meetings at Hotel InterContinental, Dhaka. ২০২৪-৪-১৮ download file
৮৯ Tender Notice: Supply, testing and Commissioning of 01 (One) number of Laptop (run with Macintosh Operating System) along with related services at Head Office, BSCPLC. ২০২৪-৪-৯ download file
৮৮ Tender Notice: Supply & laying of bituminous roofing felt on the roof (Admin Side) at Submarine Cable Landing Station, Cox’s Bazar ২০২৪-৩-১০ download file
৮৭ Tender Notice: Procurement of CISCO Support Services (CON) of Line cards of Equinix Routers and 200G, 400G Line cards of Dhaka, Cox’s Bazar & Kuakata Routers. ২০২৪-২-১৩ download file
৮৬ Tender Notice: Supply of Support Software for Holding Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM), 2024 of BSCPLC. ২০২৪-১-১৪ download file
৮৫ Tender Notice: Servicing of Rectifier System and 04(four) nos of Battery Banks at BSCPLC IIG Unit, Rahman’s Regnum Center (8th Floor), 191/1 Tejgaon-Gulshan Link Road, Dhaka-1208 ২০২৪-১-১০ download file
৮৪ Tender Notice: “Supply of furniture for head office of Bangladesh Submarine Cables PLC” শীর্ষক কাজ ২০২৪-১-১০ download file
৮৩ Supply, and Installation of Compressor, Servicing and Repairing of Precision Type Air-Conditioner for IIG Data Center (8th Floor) at Head office of Bangladesh Submarine Cables PLC (BSCPLC) ২০২৪-১-৩ download file
৮২ Tender Notice: “Supply & Installation of AC DB including Power Cable and Accessories at Cox’s Bazar LS Co-location Room and Establishing connection between Sub-station to existing cable of Dormitory at Submarine Cable Landing Station, Cox's Bazar” ২০২৩-১২-২৪ download file
৮১ Tender Notice: Co-location service for a period of 3 years including 4U rack space, Power & X-connection for BSCPLC IIG PoP nearby Khaja Tower, Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212 ২০২৩-১১-২৩ download file
৮০ Invitation for Tenders (IFT): Supply of New Year-2024 Gift Box (Desk Calendar, Note Book, Gel Pen) and Premium Gift Box (Power Bank, Belt, Mobile Pouch/Wallet, Shopping Bag) to the Head office of BSCPLC, Dhaka. ২০২৩-১১-১৫ download file
৭৯ Vertical Extension of Rain Water Drain, Construction of Approach Road Infront of Main Gate Including Guide Walls for Main Gate, 2nd Gate & Associated Works at Submarine Cable Landing Station, Cox’s Bazar ২০২৩-১১-১৪ download file
৭৮ Tender Notice: Supply and Installation of 01(One) number of Network Rack & 01(One) number of Desktop Computer along with related services at BSCPLC IIG Service Centre ২০২৩-১১-৮ download file
৭৭ বাংলাদেশ সাবমেরিন ক্যাবলস পিএলসি (বিএসসিপিএলসি) এর গাড়ি নং- ঢাকা মেট্রো-ঠ-১১-৫৩৬৪ এর ইঞ্জিন হেড, ইঞ্জিন ওয়ারিং, সাইলেন্সার পাইপ বক্স, রেডিয়েটর, চাকার হবস বিয়ারিং, ডেন্টিং ও পেইন্টিং-সহ সংশ্লিষ্ট আনুষঙ্গিক মালামাল সরবরাহপূর্বক মেরামত শীর্ষক কাজ ২০২৩-১১-৮ download file
৭৬ Tender Notice: Supply and Testing 01(one) no. of Projector & 01(one) no. of Multifunctional Photocopier at the Submarine Cable Landing Station, Amkholapara, Kuakata, Patuakhali. ২০২৩-১১-৬ download file
৭৫ Tender Notice: Supply of 100-meter 1C-1X120 sq.mm (NYY) Power Cable for IIG Data Center (8th floor) at Head office of Bangladesh Submarine Cables PLC (BSCPLC ২০২৩-১১-২ download file
৭৪ Tender Notice: Supply, Installation and Testing of IP Camera System and related services at Head office of Bangladesh Submarine Cables PLC (BSCPLC), Dhaka-1208 ২০২৩-১১-১ download file
৭৩ Invitation for Tenders (IFT): Supply & Installation of Power Cable and related works for generator connection from Generator room to 7th floor, BSCCL Head office, Dhaka. ২০২৩-১০-২২ download file
৭২ 1st corrigendum notice: Amendment of some Clauses of "Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Associative Equipment and Infrastructure for SMW6 Data Center at Cox's Bazar Submarine Cable Landing Station on Turnkey Basis" ২০২৩-১০-১৬ download file
৭১ Re-Tender notice: Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Associative Equipment and Infrastructure for SMW6 Data Center at Cox's Bazar Submarine Cable Landing Station on Turnkey Basis. ২০২৩-৯-২৬ download file
৭০ Tender notice: Supply, Testing and Commission of 12 (Twelve) numbers Smart Watch and 12 (Twelve) numbers of Power bank along with related services at Head Office, BSCCL ২০২৩-৯-২৫ download file
৬৯ দরপত্র বিজ্ঞপ্তিঃ “বিএসসিসিএল এর সাবমেরিন ক্যাবল ল্যান্ডিং স্টেশন, কক্সবাজার এর পুরাতন ও পরিত্যক্ত ছয়টি ১০ (দশ) টন, চারটি ০৫(পাঁচ) টন, একটি ০৩(তিন) টন ও দুইটি ০২(দুই) টন এয়ারকণ্ডিশনার (যেখানে যে অবস্থায় রয়েছে) বিক্রয়ের জন্য আহবানকৃত দরপত্রের দরপত্র দলিল।” ২০২৩-৯-২০ download file
৬৮ Supply and replacement of necessary accessories along with realted servicing for periodic Maintenance of 2 (Two) nos. of 500KVA Diesel Generator at Submarine Cable Landing Station, Ankholapara, Kuakata, Patuakhali. ২০২৩-৯-১৮ download file
৬৭ Tender Notice: Supply, testing and Commissioning of 05 (Five) number of Laptop Computer along with related services at Head Office, BSCCL” ২০২৩-৯-৫ download file
৬৬ Tender Notice: Design of 14th AGM Minutes, A4 Size Envelope and Annual Report for the Year 2022-2023 and Printing of 14th AGM Minutes and A4 Size Envelope as per the design approved by BSCCL ২০২৩-৮-২০ download file
৬৫ Tender Notice: Supply of Support Software for Holding 15th Annual General Meeting (AGM), 2023 of BSCCL ২০২৩-৮-১৭ download file
৬৪ Tender notice: “Supply, testing and Commissioning of 05 (Five) number of Laptop Computer along with related services at Head Office, BSCCL” ২০২৩-৮-১৪ download file
৬৩ Tender notice: Annual Report Printing of 15th AGM of BSCCL ২০২৩-৮-১৪ download file
৬২ Tender notice: Renewal of BSCCL's existing Email services (for 83 Email ID) at Microsoft 365 platform ২০২৩-৮-১৩ download file
৬১ দরপত্র বিজ্ঞপ্তিঃ বাংলাদেশ সাবমেরিন ক্যাবল কোম্পানি লিমিটেড (বিএসসিসিএল) এর সাবমেরিন ক্যাবল ল্যান্ডিং স্টেশন, কক্সবাজার এর পুরাতন ও পরিত্যাক্ত ব্যাটারি (যেখানে যে অবস্থায় রয়েছে) বিক্রয় । ২০২৩-৭-৩১ download file
৬০ Invitation for Tenders (IFT): Frame work Agreement for Purchase and Supply of Printing Materials, Office Stationary and Cleaning Materials to the BSCCL Head Office (69 Items). ২০২৩-৭-২৪ download file
৫৯ Bidding Document: "Name of the Service: Invitation of Bid for taking lease of International Internet Bandwidth from Singapore for Operation of BSCCL's IP Transit Service." ২০২৩-৭-১৮ download file
৫৮ Invitation for Tender: "Name of the Service: Invitation of Bid for taking lease of International Internet Bandwidth from Singapore for Operation of BSCCL's IP Transit Service." ২০২৩-৭-১৮ download file
৫৭ Tender notice: “Supply, testing and Commissioning of 05 (Five) number of Laptop Computer along with related services at Head Office, BSCCL” ২০২৩-৭-১৬ download file
৫৬ Tender notice: "Supply, Installation and Testing of Grounding Cable from New Earthing Pit to Busbar of SMW4 PFE at Submarine Cable Landing Station, Cox's Bazar." ২০২৩-৭-৩ download file
৫৫ Tender notice: "Servicing and Maintenance of 2(two) nos Diesel Generator including necessary accessories for IIG unit at BSCCL Head Office, Rahman’s Regnum Center (8th Floor), 191/1 Tejgaon-Gulshan Link Road, Dhaka-1208." ২০২৩-৬-২২ download file
৫৪ Amendment of some Clauses: “Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Associative Equipment and Infrastructure for SMW6 Data Center at Cox’s Bazar Submarine Cable Landing Station on Turnkey Basis”. ২০২৩-৬-১ download file
৫৩ Tender Notice: Supply and Installation of an Electrical Earthing Pit for BSCCL Head Office and IIG unit at BSCCL Head Office ২০২৩-৫-২৪ download file
৫২ Tender Notice:Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Associate Equipment and Infrastructure for SMW6 Data Center at Cox's Bazar Submarine Cable Landing Station on Turnkey Basis. ২০২৩-৫-১৪ download file
৫১ Tender Notice: Website Design & Development and related services for BSCCL, at BSCCL Head Office, Rahman’s Regnum Center (7th Floor), 191/1 Tejgaon-Gulshan Link Road, Dhaka-1208 ২০২৩-৪-২৫ download file
৫০ Re-Tender Notice: Invitation of Bid for taking lease of International Internet Bandwidth from Singapore for Operation of BSCCL's IP Transit Service. ২০২৩-৩-১৪ download file
৪৯ Bidding Document: Invitation of Bid for taking lease of International Internet Bandwidth from Singapore for Operation of BSCCL's IP Transit Service. ২০২৩-৩-১৪ download file
৪৮ Tender Notice: Supplying, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of CCTV Camera System at Submarine Cable Landing Station, Cox’s Bazar ২০২৩-২-১৩ download file
৪৭ Tender Notice: “Construction of two number of Hand holes (HH) and other associated works along the cable route at Submarine Cable Landing Station, Cox’s Bazar.” ২০২৩-১-১৬ download file
৪৬ Tender Notice: "Construction of 01(One) no. of Earthing System for electrical installations of the equipment rooms at Submarine Cable Landing Station, Cox's Bazar." ২০২৩-১-১৫ download file
৪৫ Tender Notice: Construction of Badminton Court, Walkway for Security Post and a Child Playground at Submarine Cable Landing Station, Maitha vanga, Kuakata, Patuakhali. ২০২২-১২-১৯ download file
৪৪ Tender Notice: Supply of 24(Twenty Four) nos. of Curtains including necessary accessories for Rest House at Submarine Cable Landing Station, Cox's Bazar. ২০২২-১২-১৯ download file
৪৩ Bidding Document: Leasing International Internet Bandwidth at Chennai & Marseilles and backhaul from Tuas Landing Station to SG3, Equinix of Singapore for Operation of BSCCL’s IP Transit Service. ২০২২-১২-১৪ download file
৪২ Tender Notice: Leasing International Internet Bandwidth at Chennai & Marseilles and backhaul from Tuas Landing Station to SG3, Equinix of Singapore for Operation of BSCCL’s IP Transit Service. ২০২২-১২-১৪ download file
৪১ Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of High Level Gateway Routers for Dhaka and Cox's Bazar IIG PoP and Firewall at Dhaka IIG PoP. ২০২২-১২-১৩ download file
৪০ Supplying and laying of Concrete slab, repairing of R.C.C work and other associated work along the SMW5 land cable duct route at Kuakata, Patuakhali. ২০২২-১২-১১ download file
৩৯ Supply and Installation of Compressor, Servicing and Repairing of Precision Type Air-Conditioner at BSCCL IIG ২০২২-১১-২৯ download file
৩৮ Supply Installation and Testing of Rodent System for Rodent Control of IIG Equipment Rooms ২০২২-১১-২৭ download file
৩৭ 1st Corrigendum Notice: Amendment of clauses of the Specification of the bidding document for the service "Invitation of Bid for taking lease of International Internet Bandwidth from Singapore for Operation of BSCCL's IP Transit Service". ২০২২-১১-১০ download file
৩৬ Tender Notice: Supply and Installation of 2(Two) 65” Smart 4K Android Television for BSCCL IIG Service Monitoring. ২০২২-১০-১৭ download file
৩৫ Tender Notice: Procurement of 01 (one) Brand-New Motorcycle for Submarine Cable Landing Station, Amkholapara (Maithavanga), Kuakata-8652, Patuakhali. ২০২২-১০-১৬ download file
৩৪ Bidding Document: Invitation of Bid for taking lease of International Internet Bandwidth from Singapore for Operation of BSCCL's IP Transit Service. ২০২২-১০-১৩ download file
৩৩ Tender Notice: Invitation of Bid for taking lease of International Internet Bandwidth from Singapore for Operation of BSCCL's IP Transit Service. ২০২২-১০-১৩ download file
৩২ Repairing and Painting Works of Functional Building at Submarine Cable Landing Station, Cox’s Bazar-4700. ২০২২-১০-২ download file
৩১ Supply of Support Software for Holding 14th Annual General Meeting (AGM), 2022 of BSCCL. ২০২২-৯-৮ download file
৩০ Printing of Annual Report for the 14th Annual General Meeting (AGM), 2022 of BSCCL. ২০২২-৮-৩০ download file
২৯ Interior Decoration with necessary electrical, air-conditioning and fire detection work at 7th floor (South side) of BSCCL Head office, Dhaka. ২০২২-৮-২৫ download file
২৮ Re-Tender Notice: Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of an Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) and Connectivity Rearrangement work of existing ATS and ACBs for Bringing Two Generators under the ATS System ২০২২-৮-১৬ download file
২৭ Renewal of BSCCL's existing Email services (for 83 Email ID) at Microsoft Ofice 365 platform for 01 (one) year period. ২০২২-৮-১৪ download file
২৬ Tender Notice: Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of an Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) and Connectivity Rearrangement work of existing ATS and ACBs for Bringing Two Generators under the ATS System ২০২২-৭-২১ download file
২৫ Supply, Installation, and Testing of 2 (Two) sets of 5 (Five) Ton floor standing Air Conditioner with other necessary materials and dismantling & re-installation of 3 (Three) sets of existing Air Conditioner at Submarine CLS ২০২২-৬-২৩ download file
২৪ Repairing & Painting works of Functional Building at Submarine Cable Landing Station, Cox's Bazar ২০২২-৫-১১ download file
২৩ Supply Installation and Testing of 2 (Two) nos. of Compressor with other necessary materials and services to repair Precision Air Conditioner (PAC)#6 at Kuakata Submarine Cable Landing Station, Amkholapara (Maithavanga), Kuakata-8652, Patuakhali ২০২২-৫-৫ download file
২২ Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of DC Power Cable from new Rectifier System to existing DC PDU A & Inverter at Rectifier room in Submarine Cable Landing Station, Cox's Bazar ২০২২-৪-২৭ download file
২১ Procurement of 01 (One) Ambulance for Anjuman Mufidul Islam, Siraiganj. ২০২২-৪-২০ download file
২০ Supplying, fitting & fixing works of different types of tiles at Officers’ Quarter in Submarine Cable Landing Station, Cox’s Bazar. ২০২২-৩-২০ download file
১৯ Relocation of BSCCL IIG ODF at basement-01 with new cabinet including necessary accessories. ২০২২-৩-১৪ download file
১৮ Relocation and Testing of Outdoor Units of 04 Precision Air Conditioner (PAC) at BSCCL's IIG Tejgaon PoP including necessary accessories. ২০২২-৩-১৪ download file
১৭ Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 02 (two) numbers of non-inverter type Air Conditioner (Capacity – 2 Ton) and 01 (one) number of Automatic Changeover Timer for the co-location room at Submarine Cable Landing Station, Cox’s Bazar. ২০২২-২-১৭ download file
১৬ Event Management Service for the Family Day Out of BSCCL 2021,-2022. ২০২২-২-১৬ download file
১৫ Supply of 01 (one) number of Laptop Computer along with related software and services at BSCCL Head Office, Rahman's Regnum Center (7th Floor), 191/1,Teigaon-Gulshan Link Road, Dhaka-1208. ২০২২-২-৯ download file
১৪ Interior Decoration, Alternation and Renovation works at Conference room of Posts & Telecommunications Division (PTD) at Bangladesh Secretariat. ২০২২-২-৮ download file
১৩ Interior Decoration, Alternation and Renovation works at Conference room of Posts & Telecommunications Division (PTD) at Bangladesh Secretariat. ২০২২-২-৮ download file
১২ বাংলাদেশ সাবমেরিন ক্যাবল কোম্পানি লিমিটেড (বিএসসিসিএল) এর সাবমেরিন ক্যাবল ল্যান্ডিং স্টেশন, কক্সবাজার এর পুরাতন ও পরিত্যাক্ত ৩ (তিন) সেট তথা ৭২ (বাহাত্তর) টি ব্যাটারি (যেখানে যে অবস্থায় রয়েছে) বিক্রয় ২০২২-২-২ download file
১১ Notice for Time Extension: Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Automatic Fire Extinguishing System for SMW4 Submarine Cable Landing Station at Jhilongja, Cox’s Bazar. ২০২২-১-১৬ download file
১০ Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 10G/100G Line Cards for CISCO Routers of BSCCL at Equinix SG3 PoP, Singapore and at the PoP in Kuakata Landing Station, Kuakata, Patuakhali, Bangladesh. ২০২২-১-১৬ download file
Repair & Maintenance Works of 02 (Two) nos. of ATS, 3 (Three) nos. of 1250 AMP Capacity ACB, one number of Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) and supply & installation of 02(Two) nos ২০২২-১-৯ download file
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of an Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) and Connectivity Rearrangement work of existing ATS and ACBs for Bringing Two Generators under the ATS System at Submarine CLS ২০২১-১২-২৯ download file
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Automatic Fire Extinguishing System for SMW4 Submarine Cable Landing Station at Jhilongja, Cox’s Bazar. ২০২১-১২-২২ download file
Supply and Testing of Lighting System including all accessories at Submarine Cable Landing Station, Amkholapara(Maithavanga) Kuakata-8652 Pataukhali ২০২১-১২-১৫ download file
Amendment of some Clauses of the Specifications of the bidding document for the work "Procurement of CISCO Technical Assistance Center Support Service (CON) for CISCO Routers, Switch and Firewall of BSCCL" ২০২১-১২-৮ download file
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Updated TSS version of Tally accounting Software and annual maintenance of the Tally accounting Software for 3 (three) years at BSCCL Head Office and BSCCL Landing Stations at Cox's Bazar and Kuakata. ২০২১-১২-৫ download file
"Procurement of CISCO Technical Assistance Center Support Service (CON) for CISCO Routers, Switch and Firewall of BSCCL. ২০২১-১১-২১ download file
Notice For Cancellation of the tender: "Supply and Installation of Equipment & Goods for Establishment of digital classrooms in different schools for the disadvantaged and disabled students under the CSR programs of BSCCL." ২০২১-১১-৭ download file
Amendment of some Clauses of the Specifications of the bidding document for the work "Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 03 (Three) Nos Carrier Grade Ethernet Switches for IIG Operations" ২০২১-১১-৪ download file