দরপত্র আর্কাইভ

SL No Title Published Date Download 96. Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of an Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) and Connectivity Rearrangement work of existing ATS and ACBs for Bringing Two Generators under the ATS System at Submarine Cable Landing Station, Maithavanga (Amkholapara), Kuakata-8652, Patuakhali. - PDF 95. Supply, Installation, and Testing of 2 (Two) sets of 5 (Five) Ton floor standing Air Conditioner with other necessary materials and dismantling & re-installation of 3 (Three) sets of existing Air Conditioner at Submarine Cable Landing Station, Amkholapara (Maithavanga), Kuakata-8652, Patuakhali - PDF 94. Repairing & Painting works of Functional Building at Submarine Cable Landing Station, Cox's Bazar - PDF 93. Supply Installation and Testing of 2 (Two) nos. of Compressor with other necessary materials and services to repair Precision Air Conditioner (PAC)#6 at Kuakata Submarine Cable Landing Station, Amkholapara (Maithavanga), Kuakata-8652, Patuakhali - PDF 92. Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of DC Power Cable from new Rectifier System to existing DC PDU A & Inverter at Rectifier room in Submarine Cable Landing Station, Cox's Bazar - PDF 91. Procurement of 01 (One) Ambulance for Anjuman Mufidul Islam, Siraiganj. - PDF 90. Supplying, fitting & fixing works of different types of tiles at Officers’ Quarter in Submarine Cable Landing Station, Cox’s Bazar. - PDF 89. Interior Decoration, Alternation and Renovation works at Conference room of Posts & Telecommunications Division (PTD) at Bangladesh Secretariat. - PDF 88. Relocation of BSCCL IIG ODF at basement-01 with new cabinet including necessary accessories. - PDF 87. Relocation and Testing of Outdoor Units of 04 Precision Air Conditioner (PAC) at BSCCL's IIG Tejgaon PoP including necessary accessories. - PDF 86. Event Management Service for the Family Day Out of BSCCL 2021,-2022. - PDF 85. Interior Decoration, Alternation and Renovation works at Conference room of Posts & Telecommunications Division (PTD) at Bangladesh Secretariat. - PDF 84. Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 02 (two) numbers of non-inverter type Air Conditioner (Capacity – 2 Ton) and 01 (one) number of Automatic Changeover Timer for the co-location room at Submarine Cable Landing Station, Cox’s Bazar. - PDF 83. Supply of 01 (one) number of Laptop Computer along with related software and services at BSCCL Head Office, Rahman's Regnum Center (7th Floor), 191/1,Teigaon-Gulshan Link Road, Dhaka-1208. - PDF 82. বাংলাদেশ সাবমেরিন ক্যাবল কোম্পানি লিমিটেড (বিএসসিসিএল) এর সাবমেরিন ক্যাবল ল্যান্ডিং স্টেশন, কক্সবাজার এর পুরাতন ও পরিত্যাক্ত ৩ (তিন) সেট তথা ৭২ (বাহাত্তর) টি ব্যাটারি (যেখানে যে অবস্থায় রয়েছে) বিক্রয় - PDF 81. Notice for Time Extension: Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Automatic Fire Extinguishing System for SMW4 Submarine Cable Landing Station at Jhilongja, Cox’s Bazar. - PDF 80. Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 10G/100G Line Cards for CISCO Routers of BSCCL at Equinix SG3 PoP, Singapore and at the PoP in Kuakata Landing Station, Kuakata, Patuakhali, Bangladesh. - PDF 79. Repair & Maintenance Works of 02 (Two) nos. of ATS, 3 (Three) nos. of 1250 AMP Capacity ACB, one number of Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) and supply & installation of 02(Two) nos. of DC battery chargers for DEG#1 & DEG#2 at Generator room in Submarine Cable Landing Station, Cox's Bazar. - PDF 78. Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of an Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) and Connectivity Rearrangement work of existing ATS and ACBs for Bringing Two Generators under the ATS System at Submarine Cable Landing Station, Maithavanga (Amkholapara), Kuakata-8652, Patuakhali. - PDF 77. Supply and Testing of Lighting System including all accessories at Submarine Cable Landing Station, Amkholapara(Maithavanga) Kuakata-8652 Pataukhali - PDF 76. Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Automatic Fire Extinguishing System for SMW4 Submarine Cable Landing Station at Jhilongja, Cox’s Bazar. - PDF 75. Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Updated TSS version of Tally accounting Software and annual maintenance of the Tally accounting Software for 3 (three) years at BSCCL Head Office and BSCCL Landing Stations at Cox's Bazar and Kuakata. - PDF 74. Amendment of some Clauses of the Specifications of the bidding document for the work "Procurement of CISCO Technical Assistance Center Support Service (CON) for CISCO Routers, Switch and Firewall of BSCCL" - PDF 73. "Procurement of CISCO Technical Assistance Center Support Service (CON) for CISCO Routers, Switch and Firewall of BSCCL. - PDF 72. Notice For Cancellation of the tender: "Supply and Installation of Equipment & Goods for Establishment of digital classrooms in different schools for the disadvantaged and disabled students under the CSR programs of BSCCL." - PDF 71. Amendment of some Clauses of the Specifications of the bidding document for the work "Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 03 (Three) Nos Carrier Grade Ethernet Switches for IIG Operations" - PDF 70. দরপত্র দলিল বিক্রয় ও দরপত্র জমাদান স্থগিতকরণের নোটিশ: "Supply and Installation of Equipment & Goods for Establishment of digital classrooms in different schools for the disadvantaged and disabled students under the CSR programs of BSCCL." - PDF 69. Amendment of some Clauses of the Specifications of the bidding document for the work "Supply and Installation of Equipment & Goods for Establishment of digital classrooms in different schools for the disadvantaged and disabled students under the CSR programs of BSCCL." - PDF 68. Construction of Functional Building for SMW6 Submarine Cable System at Submarine Cable Landing Station, Jhilongja, Cox's Bazar. - PDF 67. Supply, and Installation of 02 (Two) numbers of Desktop Computers, 03 (Three) numbers of Laptop, 03 (Three) numbers of Printers, 02 (Two) numbers of Scanners with related services at Office of Project Director, Installation of 3rd Submarine Cable for expansion of International Telecommunications System of Bangladesh. - PDF 66. Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 03 (Three) Nos Carrier Grade Ethernet Switches for IIG Operations. - PDF 65. Notice for Time Extension: Supply and Installation of Equipment & Goods for Establishment of digital classrooms in different schools for the disadvantaged and disabled students under the CSR program of BSCCL. - PDF 64. Supply, installation, Testing and Commissioning of 02 (two) numbers of inverter type Air Conditioner (Capacity - 2 Ton) for the Battery room and 01 (one) number of non-inverter type Air-Conditioner (Capacity- 2 Ton) for the Administrative part of the building at Submarine Cable Landing Station, Cox's Bazar. - PDF 63. Rewinding of the Alternator coil (Stator), heat burnishing of Rotor and Excitation coils of Laroy-Somer Alternator (DEG-2) supplying all necessary goods & materials and other related works at Submarine Cable Landing Station in Cox's Bazar. - PDF 62. Supply and Installation of Equipment & Goods for Establishment of digital classrooms in different schools for the disadvantaged and disabled students under the CSR program of BSCCL. - PDF 61. Appointment of Statutory Auditor for Bangladesh Submarine Cable Company Limited (BSCCL) for the Fy 2021-2022. - PDF 60. 1st Corrigendum Notice: Amendment of Some Clauses of the Specifications of the bidding document for the work "Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Integrated Audio and Video Conferencing System". - PDF 59. 1st Corrigendum Notice: Amendment of Some Clauses of the Specifications of the bidding document for the service "Billing Software Development for client billing service of BSCCL". - PDF 58. Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Integrated Audio and Video Conferencing System. - PDF 57. Construction of new boundary wall with R.C.C. footing, beam, column and automatic machine made brick wall etc along the graveyard of Mosque at Mirpur uttorpara, Maynamoti, Burichang, Cumilla. - PDF 56. Printing of Annual Report and different types of Envelops for the 13th Annual General Meeting (AGM), 2021 of BSCCL. - PDF 55. Billing Software Development for client billing service of BSCCL. - PDF 54. Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 02(Two) pairs 4-channel CWDM device, 08(eight) pairs colored SFPs including necessary accessories to expand the backbone capacity between BSCCL's Tejgaon PoP and BSCCL's Mohakhali NRB PoP from 20 Gbps to 80 Gbps - PDF 53. NOTICE FOR CANCELLATION OF TENDER - PDF 52. Re-Tender Notice: Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Automatic Fire Extinguishing System for SMW4 Submarine Cable Landing Station at Jhilongja, Cox's Bazar. - PDF 51. Land Development work for various purposes including tree plantation and provisioning of rain water reservoir in 04 (Four) acres of unused land at the back (South Side) side of Submarine Cable Landing Station, Kuakata, Patuakhali. - PDF 50. Construction surface drain and others related civil works to stop water logging in the Landing Station compound and to establish a proper rain water drainage system at Submarine Cable Landing Station, Kuakata, Patuakhali for reservation of rain water for rain water harvesting. - PDF 49. Supply, fitting and fixing of PVC Board False ceilling and Plain Particle board ceiling work at low cost staff quarter at Submarine Cable Landing Station Cox's Bazar. - PDF 48. Repair & Painting works at sub-station building inside & outside wall and Beach Manhole Grill & boundary wall, Parking tiles works of the Dormitory Building, Aluminum window & Glass fitting and fixing works in the Data Center Room of the Functional Building at Submarine Cable Landing Station, Kuakata, Patuakhali. - PDF 47. Implementation and Migration of email hosting for bsccl.com and bsccl.com.bd from current mailing system to intelligent cloud email service through Microsoft Office 365. - PDF 46. Supplying and Laying of concrete slab & warning tape over the main duct of cable route, Replacement and Re-pair of damaged R.C.C. and brick structures at various vulnerable places along the duct route & necessary palisading works by supplying of bitumen drum sheet with bamboo post and other related works along the SMW-5 submarine cable's land cable route from the beach manhole to the Submarine Cable Landing Station, Kuakata, Patuakhali. - PDF 45. বাংলাদেশ সাবমেরিন ক্যাবল কোম্পানী লিমিটেড(বিএসসিসিএল) এর ঢাকা মেট্রো-গ-২৭-৮২২৭ গাড়ীটির ইঞ্জিন ও গিয়ার বক্স (একই ক্ষমতা ও মডেলের রিকন্ডিশন্ড ইঞ্জিন ও গিয়ার বক্স দ্বারা) প্রতিস্থাপন-সহ আনুষঙ্গিক কাজ। - PDF 44. Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Automatic Fire Extinguishing System for SMW4 Submarine Cable Landing Station at Jhilongja, Cox's Bazar. - PDF 43. Event Management service for the Family Day Out of BSCCL 2020-2021. - PDF 42. Laying and Construction work of 4-Layer UV Resistance waterproofing treatment on the roof of Functional Building (Equipment side) and other related works at Submarine Cable Landing Station, Cox's Bazar - PDF 41. Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of IP Cameras including all accessories at Kuakata Submarine Cable Landing Station, Amkholapara (Maithavanga), Kuakata-8652, Patuakhali for BSCCL's Central Surveillance System. - PDF 40. Re-Tender Notice: Construction of new guide wall & land development works along the boundary wall at 4-acres land area at Kuakata Submarine Cable Landing Station at Maitha vanga, Kuakata-8652, Patuakhali. - PDF 39. Supply, Installation, Testing and commissioning of IP Cameras including all accessories at BSCCL Head Office, Dhaka and Cox's Bazar Landing Station, Cox's Bazar for BSCCL's Central Surveillance System. - PDF 38. Supply and Testing of 1 set (03 nos.) of new current Transformer (15:5 Amp) at Kuakata submarine cable Landing Station, Amkhorapara (Maithavanga), Kuakata-8652, Patuakhali. - PDF 37. Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of DC Power Distribution Unit (DC PDU), Power Cable and Related Accessories for extending DC Power Distribution system in the Co-location room at the ground floor in Cox's Bazar Cable Landing Station. - PDF 36. Supply of 03 (three) nos of Laptop Computers, 03 (three) nos of Desktop Computers, 03 (three) nos of printers and 01 (one) no of Monitor including accessories for BSCCL Head office and Kuakata Landing station. - PDF 35. Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of DC Power Distribution Frame (DC PDF) for SMW-4 Submarine Cable Landing Station at Cox's Bazar. - PDF 34. Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 03 (Three) Server and 01 (One) Storage Device for Critical Services of BSCCL (BSCCL Mail, DNS, Web, Billing etc.). - PDF 33. Implementation of Online Application Submission Procedure for IPLC Service of BSCCL by using web portal. - PDF 32. পুরাতন গাড়ী বিক্রয়ের দরপত্র বিজ্ঞপ্তি - PDF 31. Renovation and interior decoration and others necessary work at Managing Director’s room at 7th floor of BSCCL Head office, Rahman’s Regnum Center, 191 Tejgaon-Gulshan Link Road, Dhaka-1208. - PDF 30. Supply, Fitting and Fixing of Aluminium metal board false celling, Decorative Drop celling at Managing Director’s room and sypply, Fitting & Fixing of partition wall with Rock or Glass Padding in between Managing Director’s room & Conference room wall etc. at 7th floor of BSCCL Head office, Rahman’s Regnum Center, 191 Tejgaon-Gulshan Link Road, Dhaka-1208. - PDF 29. Supply of Money Bag Belt, Note Book Paper Bag, Ball point pen and Gel Point Pen along with Mill Board Box (all the items will be inside the Mill Board Box) for the occasion of New Year 2021 to BSCCL, Dhaka. - PDF 28. Supply of Desk Calendar, Mobile Holder, Note Book, Sanitizer pen, Face Mask and Jute Bag for the occasion of New year 2021 to BSCCL, Dhaka. - PDF 27. Supply of Support Software for Holding 12th Annual General Meeting (AGM), 2020 (lncluding Supply of Digital Platform for Holding Virtual AGM, Dividend Calculation, Preparation of Different Compliance Report, Designing of Dividend Warrant and Dividend Notice, Printing of Dividend Warrant, and providing Tax Certificate Software & Other related Services for holding 12th AGM). - PDF 26. Supply, Testing and Commissioning of 02 (two) numbers of Laptop Computers including accessories, 05 (five) numbers of Desktop Computers including accessories, 03 (three) numbers of printers, 01 (one) numbers of Scanner at BSCCL Head Office, Rahman's Regnum Center (7th Floor), 191/1, Tejgaon-Gulshan Link Road, Dhaka-1208. - PDF 25. আয়কর ও ভ্যাট পরামর্শক নিয়োগের নিমিত্ত আগ্রহ ব্যক্তকরণের (EOI) জন্য পুনঃবিজ্ঞপ্তি (সংক্ষিপ্ত সংস্করণ)>>>> বিস্তারিত সংস্করণ - PDF 24. Construction of 1 (one) two storied Staff Quarter building, each floor having two units and with provisioning of 4 storied foundation at Kuakata Submarine Cable Landing Station, Maitha vanga Kuakata-8652, Patuakhali. - PDF 23. Printing of Annual Report, Envelops etc. for 12th Annual General Meeting (AGM), 2020 of BSCCL. - PDF 22. Construction of one S-1 type Manhole to secure the new cable joint near Alipur bazar, Exposed PVC duct covering work with DWC pipe & R.C.C beam and C.C. slab laying work above the main duct at both sides of R.C.C beam at newly constructed Amkhola-para sluice gate, Kuakata, Patuakhali. - PDF 21. Tender Notice: Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 10G/100G Line Cards for existing CISCO ASR 9000 Series Routers at Cox’s Bazar and Dhaka. <<< Amendment-01>>> - PDF 20. Re-Tender Notice: Supply, Testing and Commissioning of 18 (Eighteen) numbers of Desktop Computers, 05 (Five) numbers of Printers and 02 (Two) numbers of Scanners at BSCCL Head Office, Rahman’s Regnum Center (7th Floor), 191/1 Tejgaon-Gulshan Link Road, Dhaka-1208 under CSR program of the company. - PDF 19. Re-Tender Notice: Repairing & Painting works of Officer’s Quarter, Dormitory Building & Security Barrack at Submarine Cable Landing Station, Jhilongja, Cox’s Bazar - PDF 18. বিএসসিসিএল এর আয়কর ও ভ্যাট উপদেষ্টা নিয়োগের জন্য বিজ্ঞপ্তি (সংক্ষিপ্ত সংস্করণ) >> বিস্তারিত সংস্করণ - PDF 17. Tender Notice: Invitation of Bid for Leasing International Internet Bandwidth from Singapore for Operation of BSCCL’s IP Transit Service.
Find the tender document here >>> Tender Document- PDF 16. Construction of new guide wall & land development works along the boundary wall at 4-acres land area at Kuakata Submarine Cable Landing Station at Maitha vanga, Kuakata-8652, Patuakhali. - PDF 15. Event Management for Holding 12th Annual General Meeting (AGM), 2020 (Including Printing & Design of Annual Report, AGM Minutes, Envelops, Dividend Warrant/Dividend Notice, Distribution of Annual Report, Dividend Warrant/Dividend Notice, Calculation of Dividend, Supply of Proxy Receiving Software and Tax Certificate Printing Software; & Other related Services for holding 12th AGM) - PDF 14. Supply, Testing and Commissioning of 18 (Eighteen) Desktop Computers, 05 (Five) Printers and 02 (Two) Scanners at BSCCL Head Office, Rahman’s Regnum Center (7th Floor), 191/1 Tejgaon-Gulshan Link Road, Dhaka-1208 under CSR program of the company. Amendment Notice-1 - PDF 13. Supply and Fixing of 01 (One) number of new Presidential Table, 01 (One) number of new Presidential Chair, 05 (Five) numbers of new Visitor Chair, 02 (Two) numbers of new Double Seated Sofa and 01 (One) number of new Single Seated Sofa including accessories at Bangladesh Submarine Cable Company Limited (BSCCL), Rahmans’ Regnum Center (7th Floor), 191, Tejgaon-Gulshan Link Road, Dhaka-1208. - PDF 12. Supply and delivery of 15 (Fifteen) numbers of New Steel Almirah including accessories at 49 no Hingerpara Govment Primary School, Harinakundu, Jhenaidah, Aliapur Aziz Higher Secondary School, Chuadanga Sadar, Chuadanga and Mawlana Sultan Hossain Sumedon-Nisa Foundation, Wazirpur, Barishal under CSR program of BSCCL. - PDF 11. Supply, Installation and Commissioning of P2.5 SMD Indoor LED Display System at the Conference Room of BSCCL Head Office, Rahman’s Regnum Center (7th Floor), 191/1 Tejgaon-Gulshan Link Road, Dhaka-1208. - PDF 10. Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Two Gateway (IIG) Routers at BSCCL PoP in SG3, Equinix, Singapore. - PDF 9. Notice for Tenderer for the tender: "Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Two Gateway (IIG) Routers at BSCCL PoP in SG3, Equinix, Singapore. - PDF 8. Supply, Fitting and Fixing of Aluminium metal board false celling, Decorative Drop celling in the conference room, Gypsum board ceiling work etc. at different parts of the 7th floor of BSCCL Head office, Rahman’s Regnum Center, 191 Tejgaon-Gulshan Link Road, Dhaka-1208. - PDF 7. GROUP INSURANCE COVERAGE OF THE EMPLOYEES OF BSCCL || Short version|| ||Details version|| - PDF 6. GROUP INSURANCE COVERAGE OF THE EMPLOYEES OF BSCCL || Short version|| ||Details version|| - PDF 5. Professional Services for Preparation of Architectural Design & Drawing, Structural Design & Drawing, BoQ, Rate analysis, Estimate etc. and performing soil Test of the Construction Sites for Rest house and Extended Equipment Building at Cox’s bazaar Submarine Cable Landing Station. - PDF 4. Supply, Installation & Commission of smart street lighting system using sensor controlled solar energy at Submarine Cable Landing Station,Kuakata. - PDF 3. Supply and Fixing of 01 (One) number of New Conference Table and 12 (Twelve) numbers of New Swivel Chair including accessories at Bangladesh Submarine Cable Company Limited (BSCCL), Rahmans’ Regnum Center (7th Floor), 191, Tejgaon-Gulshan Link Road, Dhaka-1208 - PDF 2. Supply & Fitting of necessary materials for rewinding the Leroy-Somer alternator coils and other related works for Diesel Engine Generator(DEG) #1 & re-wiring & modification of existing Automatic Transfer Switch(ATS) at Submarine Cable Landing Station in Cox's Bazar - PDF 1. Dismantling of existing damaged Board partition and Glass partition wall and Supply, fitting and fixing of Board and Glass partition wall, Tempered glass door, Tube & Panel LED light fitting works etc. at the 7th floor of BSCCL Head Office, Rahmans Regnum Center, 191, Tejgaon-Gulshan Link Road, Dhaka-1208 - PDF